Upcoming Caltech Y Events
Union Station Adopt-a-Meal 3/14/25

Prepare and serve dinner to residents of Union Station Adult Center in Pasadena. The Adult Center provides shelter, meals, and supportive services to more than 150 homeless men and women each year. Food and materials are provided.

People this event is applicable to

Students are given priority for this event. Any member of the Caltech community may sign up, but non-students will be placed on a waitlist and notified if there is space available. You may also be placed on the waitlist if interest exceeds the number of volunteer spots available.

You will be contacted by the leader with further details the week of the event.

Date and Time

Friday, March 14, 2025
5 pm to 9 pm


412 S. Raymond Ave.

Waiting List

7 spaces available. First priority is given to students.